ABOUT.EFF 14,243 03-13-94 General Information about the ElectronicFrontier Foundation
ARJ241A.EXE 223,856 08-05-93 ARJ 2.41 File Compression,direct from author
BACKGRND.SJG 9,940 03-14-94 Background in the case of Steve Jackson GamesVS. the US Secret Service
BIGDUMMY.FAQ 53,935 03-13-94 A rather bizarre version of the Big Dummy'sGuide to the Internet
BIGDUMMY.TXT 423,771 03-13-94 The Big Dummy's Guide to the Internet v2.2
CANTWELL.ALT 6,514 03-13-94 Letter Regarding the "Clipper" or "Skipjack"encryption chip.
CANTWELL.BIL 5,858 03-13-94 A Bill to Amend the Export Administration Actof 1979 with respect to control of computersand related equipment
CANTWELL.SUM 18,712 03-13-94 Rep. Maria Cantwell's remarks to the House ofRepresentatives when introducing H.R. 3627,regarding export controls on software withencryption capacity
CLIPPER.SUM 9,551 03-14-94 Chipping Away at Privacy by Shari Steele andDaniel J. Weitzner
COMPLAIN.SJG 57,006 03-14-94 Steve Jackson Games Inc. VS. the US SecretService - The Original Court Documents
CRIMEPUZ.1 65,133 03-14-94 Crime and Puzzlement by John Perry Barlow"Desperados of the Datasphere"
CRYPTPOL.EFF 7,894 03-13-94 The EFF announces it's official policy onCryptography and Privacy
CYBERLIB.ART 24,606 03-08-94 Civil Liberties in Cyberspace: When doeshacking turn from an exercise of civilliberties into crime? by: Mitchell Kapor
DECISION.SJG 45,511 03-14-94 The Court Documents regarding the SteveJackson vs. the Secret Service Trial.
EFFECT07.01 26,427 03-13-94 EFFector Online Volume 7 No. 1 A Publicationof the Electronic Frontier Foundation.
EFFECT07.02 26,519 03-13-94 EFFector Online 07.02 A Publication of theElectronic Frontier Foundation
EFFECT07.03 34,464 03-13-94 EFFector Online Volume 7 No. 3 A Publicationof the Electronic Frontier Foundation
EFFECT07.04 24,572 03-13-94 EFFector Online Volume 7 No. 4 A Publicationof the Electronic Frontier Foundation
EFFECT07.05 35,261 03-14-94 EFFector Online Volume 7 No. 5 A Publicationof the Electronic Frontier Foundation
FOIA.KIT 55,856 03-14-94 The Freedom of Information Kit
FP-209F.ZIP 388,789 10-05-93 F-Prot v2.09f Anti-Virus Program
GIFV501.ZIP 471,579 04-16-94 GIF,BMP,PCX,PIC View, Catalog, Print, Imageprocessor and GAMES. Better than VPIC/CSHOWcombined. Sets NEW standard in image viewersFull MOUSE support. Features: Load imagesFAST, Powerful Script language, Add text toimages. BEST IMAGE PRINTER AROUND. Crop,FlipEnlarge, Shrink, Rotate, Image Editing +moreUses Disk space, EMS or XMS memory. You canMove, Copy, Delete, Rename files and more...Easy Windows 3.x installation!
HACK92FA.ZIP 53,302 12-05-92 The Hack Report for December 1992
HACK9301.ZIP 71,089 01-03-93 The Hack Report for January, 1993.A monthly list of potentially dangerous filesincluding hacks, hoaxes, Trojan Horses, andpirated commercial files found posted fordownload on many BBS systems worldwide.SysOps and Users alike may benefit from thisreport by using it to avoid potentiallydangerous files. By Lee Jackson,Co-Moderator, FidoNet International EchoSHAREWRE (1:382/95).
HACK9302.ZIP 37,753 02-07-92 The Hack Report for February, 1993.A monthly list of potentially dangerous filesincluding hacks, hoaxes, Trojan Horses, andpirated commercial files found posted fordownload on many BBS systems worldwide.SysOps and Users alike may benefit from thisreport by using it to avoid potentiallydangerous files. By Lee Jackson,Co-Moderator, FidoNet International EchoSHAREWRE (1:382/95).
HACK9303.ZIP 47,097 03-07-93 The Hack Report for March, 1993.A monthly list of potentially dangerous filesincluding hacks, hoaxes, Trojan Horses, andpirated commercial files found posted fordownload on many BBS systems worldwide.SysOps and Users alike may benefit from thisreport by using it to avoid potentiallydangerous files. By Lee Jackson,Co-Moderator, FidoNet International EchoSHAREWRE (1:382/95).
HACK9304.ZIP 53,580 04-04-93 The Hack Report for April, 1993.A monthly list of potentially dangerous filesincluding hacks, hoaxes, Trojan Horses, andpirated commercial files found posted fordownload on many BBS systems worldwide.SysOps and Users alike may benefit from thisreport by using it to avoid potentiallydangerous files. By Lee Jackson,Co-Moderator, FidoNet International EchoSHAREWRE, and Moderator, FidoNet EchoWARNINGS (1:382/95).
HACK9306.ZIP 80,821 06-06-93 The Hack Report for June, 1993.A monthly list of potentially dangerous filesincluding hacks, hoaxes, Trojan Horses, andpirated commercial files found posted fordownload on many BBS systems worldwide.SysOps and Users alike may benefit from thisreport by using it to avoid potentiallydangerous files. By Lee Jackson,Moderator, FidoNet International EchosSHAREWRE and WARNINGS (1:124/4007).
HACK9307.ZIP 88,013 05-12-94 The Hack Report for July, 1993.A monthly list of potentially dangerous filesincluding hacks, hoaxes, Trojan Horses, andpirated commercial files found posted fordownload on BBS systems worldwide.SysOps and Users alike may benefit from thisreport by using it to avoid potentiallydangerous files. By Lee Jackson,Moderator, FidoNet International EchosSHAREWRE and WARNINGS (1:124/4007).
HACK9308.ZIP 114,633 05-12-94 The Hack Report for September, 1993.A monthly list of potentially dangerous filesincluding hacks, hoaxes, Trojan Horses, andpirated commercial files found posted fordownload on BBS systems worldwide.SysOps and Users alike may benefit from thisreport by using it to avoid potentiallydangerous files. By Lee Jackson,Moderator, FidoNet International EchosSHAREWRE and WARNINGS (1:124/4007).
HATE_COM.EFF 15,823 03-13-94 Notice of Inquiry, Request for Comments, Roleof Telecommunications in Hate Crimes
I-M211.ZIP 331,856 11-03-93 INTEGRITY MASTER(tm) V2.11a Anti-virusand data Integrity! Easy to use but protectsagainst much more than just viruses!Hardware glitches, software bugs, evendeliberate sabotage are detected. If a virusstrikes, Integrity Master identifies it byname and (unlike other programs) alsoindentifies any damage caused by the virus.It will even detect new and unknown virusesand now provides full CMOS protection!
INFKAPOR.TES 37,162 03-13-94 Testimony of Mitchell Kapor, President EFF,before the subcommittee on Telecommunicationand commerce committee, Oct. 24, 1991
INVRC501.ZIP 517,346 06-11-93 InVircible Anti-Virus, Version 5.01(January 30, 1993). This anti-virussoftware is much more sophisticated andeffective than any other anti-virusproduct available or anticipated. It isthe only anti-virus package able to statethat every single virus in the three knownvirus classes (Boot Sector, FAT/Directory,Executables) has been to date detected andremoved -- a track record that dates backto the Fall of 1990! InVircibleimplements Adaptive Expert System (AES)technology that is uncanny in the abilityto absolutely detect viruses and thencompletely and exactly restore the
JOIN.EFF 4,604 03-13-94 Why You should Join the Electronic FrontierFoundation
LIST78A.ZIP 118,349 06-28-93 Latest Version of Buergs File Viewer
LIST90E.ZIP 112,398 11-15-93 LIST Plus is a general purpose file browsingand viewing utility. Features include fileselection/utility menu, selective printing,telephone dialer, scrollable windows, andviewing files within archive files. Version9.0e adds CD ROM support to the sharewareversion.
MARKEY.BIL 44,625 03-13-94 H.R. 3636 A Bill to promote a nationalcommunications infrastructure to encouragedeployment of advanced communicationsservices through competition and for otherpurposes.
MARKEY.SUM 10,221 03-13-94 EFF Position Statement on and Summary of H.R.3636
NETSHLD.ZIP 150,919 05-03-93 McAfee's NETShield v1.05 Direct from McAfee'
OCLN108.ZIP 291,290 05-12-94 Clean-Up for OS/2 Version 108 - McAfee
ONLINE.EFF 4,359 03-13-94 Where to find the Electronic FrontierFoundation Online
OP2.0 25,518 03-13-94 EFF's Open Platform Campaign: Public Policyfor the Information Age
OSCAN108.ZIP 260,961 05-12-94 Viruscan for OS/2 Version 9.19V108 - McAfee
PAK251.EXE 108,166 11-24-92 PAK Archiving Program Ver 2.51
PKZ204G.EXE 202,574 02-08-93 PKZip v2.04g, Legitimate Copy of Program
PRIVACY.KIT 28,110 03-08-94 A Toolkit of resources and information aboutprivacy.
PUBS.EFF 5,450 03-13-94 Guide to EFF Publications at ftp.eff.org
PUZZLE.PAL 33,526 03-13-94 Decrypting the Puzzle Palace by John PerryBarlow
PV12.ZIP 145,698 03-05-93 Pro-View 1.2 from McAfee via CI$
SENTGUID.EFF 8,980 03-13-94 Proposed Amendment #59 to the SentencingGuidelines for US Courts, creating a newguideline applicable to Violations of theComputer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1988 (18U.S.C. 1030)
SRCHSEIZ.1 33,498 03-13-94 Civil Liberties Implications of ComputerSearches and Seizures
SRCHSEIZ.2 58,631 03-13-94 Constitutional, Legal and EthicalConsiderations for dealing with electronicfiles in the age of Cyberspace
TBAV608.ZIP 265,267 10-19-93 Thunderbyte Anti-Virus - The most completeanti-virus system available. Included areTbScan, TbScanX, TbSetup, TbClean, TbDisk,TbFile, TbMem, TbCheck, and TbUtil.